Clean Water Program
To contribute to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) number 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, ensuring access to safe water sourced and sanitation for all, as well as support government agenda to achieve access to clean water by 75.8% in 2030.
With the sudden wave of Covid-19 pandemic, access to clean water becomes a vital part to eliminate the spread of the virus. As emphasized by experts from the UN, this pandemic “demonstrated the critical importance of sanitation, hygiene and adequate access to clean water for preventing and containing diseases. Covid-19 will not be stopped without access to safe water for people living in vulnerability.”
The provision of clean water is not only seen in the quantity but also in terms of the quality of the water that should be suitable to use by the community and can also improve their health condition. It is not rare that most households in Indonesia, especially Eastern part of Indonesia, must purchase clean water or must walk as far as 3 km to reach a water source that is uncertain of its quality. The struggle to obtain basic needs such as clean water is still an important issue in Indonesia and the need for clean water is currently increasing along with the rapid increase of population. Despite advances in development, many communities in Indonesia still have limited access to safe water sources and basic sanitation.
In early 2021, PTTEP Indonesia commenced its first clean water program in Ngada Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), with 2 wells using deep water well drilling method. Results from geoelectric survey confirmed that the rock formation in that particular area of NTT is indeed very challenging, which is why the community needs to be fully supported since the conventional way of digging for water will not be sufficient.
In future years, PTTEP Indonesia will support more clean water wells in NTT as well as Gorontalo in Sulawesi, to support and accelerate central and local government’s target in providing clean water for Eastern part of Indonesia.
Click Link to PTTEP Indonesia CSR Annual Report 2016 - 2019 Book