Keeping the Commitment, PTTEP Participates in Stunting Prevention in NTT
13 Dec 2021
Preventing and reducing stunting—or in Bahasa Indonesia known as babies whose growth is lower than their age, due to malnutrition—has been a concern of the Indonesian government since the first term of Joko Widodo's administration. The government's attention refers to the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) data which shows the prevalence of stunting under five in 2018 is up to 30.8 percent.
This figure makes Indonesia one of the countries with high stunting rate. For that reason, this program has become one of the special concerns of the Indonesian government, the goal is to prevent and reduce stunting. Moreover, the problem of stunting is also on the agenda of the United Nations and PTTEP Indonesia also participates in this noble mission.
What PTTEP is doing is collaborating with a number of parties, namely the Secretariat of the Vice President, the Provincial Government of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and a number of regencies and cities in the province of NTT namely Kupang Regency, South-Central Timor (TTS), and North Central Timor (TTU).
The real action consists of providing additional nutrition for children. This program has been ongoing since December 2019 with various activities. All activities are accompanied by the Team for the Acceleration of Prevention of Dwarf Children (TP2AK) of the Secretariat of the Vice President (Setwapres) of the Republic of Indonesia.
“Bunda Julie”—as the people of NTT calls Julie Laiskodat, Chairman of the East Nusa Tenggara PKK Mobilizing Team, expresses her gratitude to Setwapres, PTTEP Indonesia, Dompet Dhuafa, as well as the NTT Provincial Government and Kupang Regency Government, TTS, and TTU who had assisted her in efforts to deal with stunting in this area. "We still hope to obtain the attention of partners so that CSR funds can help deal with stunting in other areas in NTT," said Julie.
In collaboration with Dompet Dhuafa (DD) as the program executor, a series of activities have been implemented ranging from providing additional nutritional intake, providing healthy food packages, promoting growth, mentoring posyandu, intensive education, to supporting sanitation facilities and clean water, as well as renovation and construction of integrated service posts (Integrated Healthcare Center).
During the course of this program, it was recorded that more than 346 pregnant women, 2,017 under-five children, 1,956 young women and women of childbearing age, 370 posyandu cadres from 74 posyandu, and 113 PAUD teachers, have become program beneficiaries. The beneficiaries spread across 16 villages in three regencies, namely Kupang, TTS, and TTU Regencies.
Meanwhile, General Manager (GM) of PTTEP Indonesia, Grinchai Hattagam, stated that the multi-stakeholder collaboration program has received a number of appreciations and awards. Among them are the 2021 Stevie Award, the International Award for stunting prevention, as well as the national award, the Indonesian Sustainable Development Award in collaboration to create a better generation.
"PTTEP Indonesia is very happy and proud to be able to participate in supporting the government's priority program in the field of accelerating stunting prevention in Indonesia. We hope that this program can become a sustainable program and inspire more development partners in creating a golden generation for the nation's children," said Grinchai Hattagam.
Assistant Deputy for Poverty Reduction, Setwapres RI, Abdul Muis stated that stunting prevention is a national priority program. Abdul Muis said, in an effort to accelerate the handling of stunting, a special team will be formed from the province, district/city to the village level. "I agree with Mrs. Chairman of the TP PKK NTT (Julie Sutrisno Laiskodat), lets encourage partnership programs through CSR with other companies. Hopefully this will be a motivation with other parties, to be part of supporting the government's commitment to reduce stunting prevalence in Indonesia by up to 14 percent in 2024," said Muis.