Monitoring and Evaluation of Stunting Program Achievement in Kupang Regency
24 Jun 2021
Vice Regent of Kupang, Jerry Manafe, SH., MTh., opened the monitoring and evaluation activities of 2021 stunting prevention program in Kupang Regency on Tuesday (15/6) in Kupang Regent's office hall.
This event was attended by Expert Team of the Secretariat of Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Karnadi Harijanto, Public Affairs and Relation PTTEP Indonesia Irwan Mardelis, Representatives of Dompet Dhuafa Adhe Mulyawan, assistants, head of related aparatus, Head of East Kupang District, representatives of Sub-districts and beneficiaries of the program.
Jerry Manafe, The Vice Regent of Kupang in his speech said, "Today we are conducting stunting prevention and evaluation, the data must be accurate so that we can work optimally,". The Vice Regent also thanked the Secretariat of the Vice President RI, PTTEP Indonesia, Dompet Dhuafa, and other partner institutions for efforts to handle and prevent stunting in Kupang Regency.
In order to achieve the target of Stunting program, there needs to be a strong commitment from various parties, both from the Central Government, Local Government, Partner Institutions/NGOs, community leaders, professional organizations, mass media, the business world, and the community as a whole to always be able to collaborate and synergize with integrity, through a series of activities to be carried out in 2021 as well as those planned in 2022.
Irwan Madelis from PTTEP Indonesia Representative mentioned that apart from this program, PTTEP has also implemented various initiatives in the fields of health, education and environment. For this program, PTTEP Indonesia was invited to participate in accelerating stunting prevention in Indonesia. “We have to ensure that this program can be sustainable. Thank you for the commitment in cooperation and support given to us from the current year onwards so that we can invite other nation-building partners from various business sectors to participate in this program,” he said.ptte