Ngara Village Residents Patiently Waited to Experience Clean Water
21 Aug 2024
Residents of Ngara Village, West Riung District, Ngada Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Tuesday (21/08/2024), celebrated a Clean Water Drilling well. The construction of this clean water well was initiated by Mrs. Julie Sutrisno Laiskodat, Member of Commission IV DPR-RI together with PTTEP Indonesia, which is an oil and gas company from Thailand. This water well drilling assistance is a donation provided without going through the regional or central government budget. This assistance was provided as a form of PTTEP and Mrs. Julie Sutrisno Laiskodat's concern for the situation of the people of Ngara Village who are experiencing a scarcity of a clean water source. |
The Water Drilling well thanksgiving activity was attended by the Regional Government represented by Assistant 1 for the Ngada Regency area, the Secretary of the West Riung District, the Village Head and village officials in the West Riung District along with community leaders and the local community. Apart from that, there were also representatives from PTTEP Indonesia and Expert Staff DPR RI, represented by Bapak Jener Alison. |
In his speech on behalf of Ibu Julie Sutrisno Lasikodat. Alison said, "Thank you very much to PTTEP who cares about NTT, especially the Ngara Village Community. Water is the main source of life, and PTTEP has brought it to the people of Ngara who have long missed water," said Jener Alison, Expert Staff DPR RI. The expert staff of DPR RI also emphasized that the drilled well facility should be well maintained by the community so that it could be used at any time. |
Ngada Regency First Assistant Bapak Alfian on that occasion expressed his thanks and great appreciation to PTTEP and Mrs. Julie Sutrisno for giving special attention to the people of Ngada Regency, which makes this the second well assistance from PTTEP in West Riung District. "We, the Ngada Regency government, is committed to taking part in maintaining and developing this donation so that the regional government becomes a partner in building synergy with parties who are willing to help the people of Ngada Regency." |
PTTEP Indonesia hopes that the presence of a clean water well in Ngara Village can increase the enthusiasm of the community to improve the quality of life. This water well facility has an impact on improving environmental quality, public health, and community productivity. As an implementation of corporate social responsibility to provide attention to the community, PTTEP Indonesia prioritizes the 6th Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs regarding Clean Water and Sanitation. Clean water is the most important part of life because water quality can affect greatly on health and daily life. |
While drilling was underway, there were several obstacles in the drilling process which took quite a long time. The hard soil structure makes drilling difficult to reach. However, the technical team continued to struggle to get clean water so at a depth of 82 meters the technical team succeeded in getting clean water, and the water obtained was in line with expectations, namely having a flow rate of 3 - 4 cubic meters per hour. |
Paulus Winga (48 years), one of the residents of Ngara Village expressed his appreciation and abundant gratitude to all parties who have helped the people of Ngara Village. “We are grateful for the good people who have cared for us, the people of Ngara village. Now that the water source is close, it is easier for the Ngara village community to access a clean water source for our daily needs." |