PTTEP Indonesia Responds to the Clean Water Crisis in NTT
25 Jan 2021
In the province of East Nusa Tenggara, based on research results from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) in 2016, out of 22 regencies/cities in NTT most of them experience drought and clean water crisis. People in NTT must travel tens of kilometers to get clean water.
Based on this issue, Julie Sutrisno Laiskodat, member of House of Representatives of Republic of Indonesia, constituency of East Nusa Tenggara 1 Flores, Lembata and Alor, requested PTTEP Indonesia to participate in the provision of clean water facilities in Ngada Regency, NTT, namely Ria-1 village and Ngara village.
PTTEP Indonesia welcomed the request from Ibu Julie, considering that this program means the company will be contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) number six, which is Clean Water and Sanitation, to support the people, agriculture, and livestock.
In January, the clean water program started with courtesy visit to high level local government of Ngada Regency and conveyed the company’s intention to provide clean water access for the people. Head of Regent (Bupati) expressed his gratitude for the support given by PTTEP Indonesia and the activity continued with field survey by Ngada House of Representatives and local government to Ria-1 village and Ngara village to confirm the locations for geoelectric survey.
Afterwards, geoelectric survey was conducted in order to find the depth of clean water below the surface based on resistivity method. After analyzing the geoelectric results and all stakeholders agree on the locations and depth, then the crew in the field commenced with drilling until today.
Geologically, the Ngada Regency is covered by hard formation, consisting of thick volcanic lithology. The Geological condition is very challenging, which means it will need additional time for the crew to reach the clean water target at depth 90-120 meters based on geoelectric survey.
However, this fact will not eliminate everyone’s spirit. PTTEP Indonesia remains committed to providing clean water for the people of NTT.