PTTEP Indonesia Supports Healthy Indonesian Children
31 May 2023
Jakarta, 31 May 2023 - In commemoration of the 8th anniversary of Gerai Sehat Rorotan (GSR), PTTEP Indonesia and Dompet Dhuafa held a Health Strengthening Program for Orphanage Children at Gerai Sehat Rorotan, North Jakarta.
In 2014, PTT Exploration and Production Public Company Limited, an oil and gas exploration and production company, synergized with Dompet Dhuafa to establish Rorotan Health Clinic to improve people’s health status and make a positive contribution to the local community.
As a form of gratitude for GSR's continued development to date, PTTEP made a special visit to GSR to see first-hand how far the health services have progressed, interact with patients, and discuss with medical staff and employees regarding the health programs that have been implemented. Through this visit, PTTEP hopes to understand more deeply the challenges and needs of the community in terms of health services so that they can make a significant contribution to increasing the accessibility and quality of health services in the Rorotan area.
During this special visit, PTTEP also held the Orphanage Children's Health Strengthening Program. This program aims to bring entertainment and joy to orphanages, as well as improve the children's quality of health and life.
As we all know, Indonesia ranks highest in Southeast Asia in the category of the number of people experiencing malnutrition. Of course, this is contrary to pillar number two of the SDGs, namely no hunger / ending hunger. One of the efforts that can be made is to ensure adequate food security and nutritional intake/nutrition is fulfilled in all groups in an equitable and equal manner without any gaps.
"Even though they live in an orphanage, the children must grow well like other children in general. Hopefully, the assistance provided will further strengthen the spirit of the orphans in achieving their dreams and self-existence so that in the future they will become a good generation for the Nation." Said Grinchai Hattagam as General Manager of PTTEP Indonesia.
The quality and strength of the nation in the future is very much determined by the quality of today's children, so forming, caring for, and developing Human Resources from an early age is a priority.
"As an institution that focuses on philanthropy, we are grateful to be able to bridge this good program. Witnessing the happy smiles of today's children, I believe that one day they will remember it and will become a reason for them to become good and useful people in the future," said Herdiansah as Director of Dompet Dhuafa Social Entreprise.