PTTEP Indonesia Supports Waste Bank Management in Toba Regency
02 Sep 2021
Toba Regency is one of the priority destinations announced by the Indonesian government. In determining destinations, cleanliness becomes the main importance. To support the development in the tourist area of Toba, North Sumatra in terms of cleanliness, PTTEP Indonesia contributes to the establishment of a waste bank equipped with incinerator technology to burn medical and domestic waste from the integrated isolation area for patients, as well as the entire Del area in an environmentally friendly manner.
"We utilize the environmentally friendly technology that is already available, to solve the problem of medical waste. This incinerator can be used based on the ease to require permits from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in order to accelerate the handling of medical waste,” said Rofi Alhanif, Assistant Deputy IV for Waste and Waste Treatment of the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment. Rofi hopes that this activity can be replicated in other sub-districts in Toba Regency and become an inspiration for other regions in Lake Toba Super Priority Tourism Destination.
Meanwhile, the Waste Bank Program ever since it was launched, has educated more than 100 communities with more than 58 sub-district waste banks located in Balige, Tampahan, and Loguboti. In addition to waste, liquid organic fertilizer has been developed using a hydrothermal engine, and another initiative is maggot cultivation.
All the benefits of the waste bank program in Toba were explained by the Director of Bank Sampah Bersinar, Fei Febri. Febri assisted a number of community groups with the targets achieved so far this year. The presentation was held during an evaluation meeting with the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment for the waste management program in Toba, North Sumatra.
Also present at the meeting were Toba District Secretary Audi Murphy Sitorus, Head of Environment and Hygiene Office Mintar Manurung, Head of Toba Tourism Office John Pieter, and Head of Balige Pantun sub-district Josua Pardede.
In addition to providing an incinerator to support community empowerment programs, PTTEP also held the Toba Recycle and Agribusiness Competition, which is a competition to find medium, small, and micro enterprises (MSMEs) in business start ups and business ideas in the field of recycling and agribusiness.