PTTEP Indonesia Together with Julie Laiskodat Provides Assistance for Drilling Water Wells in East Adonara
18 Apr 2024
PTTEP Indonesia, Thailand's national oil company, is realizing its commitment to support development in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province. Commitments that have been ongoing so far are in the health sector and the provision of water resources.
Specifically for clean water, PTTEP Indonesia has successfully implemented in a number of areas in NTT such as in Mano village, East Manggarai Regency, in Takaplager village, Sikka Regency, in Ria-1 village, Ngada Regency, which was previously inaugurated, and in Ngara village, Ngada Regency, which is currently undergoing a resistivity survey.
Most recently, PTTEP Indonesia's commitment was again demonstrated by providing assistance for drilling water wells to support water availability for communities in Lewobunga Village, East Adonara District, East Flores Regency, NTT.
This clean water program is in its fourth year collaborating with Member of Parliament for Electoral District I NTT, Julie Sutrisno Laiskodat, sharing the same vision to eliminate water crisis in NTT and accelerating Government’s agenda to achieve SDGs number 6: clean water and sanitation.
From resistivity survey conducted in April 2023, Lewobunga village is said to have quite a large groundwater potential which can be seen from the data obtained that almost all of the lines detected the presence of water.
"The results of the geoelectric survey show that the survey location in Lewobunga village has quite a large of groundwater potential because almost all geoelectric test tracks detect the presence of water," said the Technical Team from PT. Thalweg Nusantara, on Thursday 18 April 2024.
He added that this condition is in accordance with the condition of the Lewobunga land which relies on the agricultural sector as the leading sector for community economic development.
The people of Lewobunga village have not been able to utilize existing land to produce vegetables. This is characterized due to the limited water available, especially in the dry season.
The head of the Eson Dore group, Boli, said he was happy with the assistance. He also expressed his gratitude to Julie Sutrisno Laiskodat and PTTEP Indonesia for providing attention to the people in the region.