Toba Regency's 23rd Anniversary Commemoration, Make Toba Zero Garbage
08 Mar 2022
The Regent of Toba Regency, Ir Poltak Sitorus, invites the whole community to consciously start a movement to sort household waste and submit it to the Waste Bank. These activities are expected to minimize the risk of pollution and facilitate disposal and reprocessing.
"To support this activity, we plan to form a collaborative waste management program with the Inter-Church Cooperation Agency (BKAG)," said Poltak Regent. Message and invitation to protect the environment so that it is not polluted, conveyed by the Regent during a webinar event to celebrate the 23rd Toba Regency Anniversary, the Toba Regency Government launched Bank Sampah Induk Tarhilala, as well as commemorating the National Waste Care Day. The webinar entitled “Making Toba Superior and Shining by Improving Mutual Cooperation in Maintaining Cleanliness, Managing Waste, and Utilizing Waste Banks” was held on Monday, 7 March.
The main agenda that will be implemented to improve the management capacity of Bank Sampah Induk Tarhilala is to carry out education activities on waste management, rewards and control systems so that the benefits of waste management can be beneficial for all. This is in order to realize Toba Unggul and Shining.
Aside from the Toba Regency Government, this event was also attended by Akmal Syahputra from the North Sumatra Province Environmental Service, Prof. Enri Damanhuri as Professor of ITB as well as initiator of the establishment of the PDU and IAS Toba Waste Bank, and Fei Febri as Director of Bank Sampah Bersinar.
Bank Sampah Bersinar has been assisting the Toba Regency Main Waste Bank for more than a year through a program carried out by the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment and full support from PTTEP Indonesia. "Within a year, more than 60 new Waste Bank units have been formed in Toba Regency, and they continue to grow every day," said Fei Febri.
Meanwhile, the method of waste management that will be applied at Bank Sampah Induk Tarhilala includes education which is the key to waste management through waste bank programs, rewards and control systems. The Regent of Toba Regency conveyed that the community fully supports the Tarhilala movement and receive the benefits of good and responsible waste management, to support the region’s motto “Toba Excels and Shines”.