Natuna Sea Block “A” PSC was originally operated by AGIP Indonesia Ltd. which relinquished it in mid 1970s. Sumatra Gulf Oil Ltd. took operatorship of the block after PERTAMINA on behalf of the government, signed a contract agreement on the 16th October 1979 for 30 years of contract period. In 1982, KUFPEC farmed in for a 33.333% interest. Gulf Oil remained the Operator with its interest of 66.667%. In 1985, Chevron acquired Gulf Oil and assumed its share in the PSC. Amoseas Indonesia Inc. as a joint venture between Chevron and Texaco, operated the block on behalf of Chevron and KUFPEC. On the 20th September 1996, Premier Oil purchased Sumatra Gulf Oil Ltd. and has become the Operator of the block since the 1st October 1996 till present.
The block is located in offshore of Natuna Sea near the international maritime borders between Indonesia and Malaysia. The original area of the block was around 5,000 sqkm at water depth of around 80 m.
The Natuna Sea Block “A” PSC was extended and signed between PERTAMINA and the Contractors such as Premier Oil Natuna Sea Ltd (66.667%) as the Operator and Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company KSC (33.333%) on the 15th January 1999 for twenty (20) years starting the 16th October 2009. In September 2003, Premier transferred 23% and 15% of its interest to Amerada Hess (Natuna 2 B.V.) and Petronas (Natuna 1 B.V.). In November 2013, Pertamina PHE and PTTEP acquired Natuna 2 B.V. to obtain the whole 23% of Hess interest in the PSC. The new composition of participating interests now becomes:
Premier Oil (Operator) 28.67%
Kufpec 33.33%
Natuna 1 B.V. (Petronas) 15.00%
Natuna 2 B.V. (PTTEP and Pertamina PHE) 23.00%
The first field development in the block is the Anoa structure which has significant oil and gas accumulation. The Anoa oil and gas came on-stream in November 1990. The Anoa production gas rate has been naturally declining, but it continues to commercially produce until end of the PSC contract.
To date, the block has four separate producing fields which are Anoa, Gajah Baru, Naga, and Pelikan. Most of the production is gas with minor oil from Anoa. The gas is delivered to Singapore and domestic market under several Gas Sales Agreements:
(1) GSA1: Gas contract with SembCorp in Singapore in January 2001. The gas is exported by West Natuna Transportation System (WNTS) pipeline to Singapore. Anoa gas is dedicated for GSA1. Pelikan gas which came on-stream in April 2015 is to maintain GSA1 gas profile delivery. Its production is tied into Gajah Baru central processing platform (CPP).
(2) GSA2: Gas contract with SembCorp for additional gas sales into the Singapore market. The gas deliveries are from Gajah Baru Field began in October 2011 and Naga Field which came on-stream in November 2014.
(3) GSA3 and GSA4: Gas to be supplied to buyers in Batam as the domestic market until the domestic pipelines are constructed to connect the WNTS to Pemping Island.
To meet the existing and near future gas market in the region, exploration efforts continue and several gas discoveries are being developed to fulfill the market demand.
PTTEP CSR Paud Indonesia, Klinik Kesehatan, PTTEP CSR Klinik, Kesehatan Indonesia, CSR Paud Indonesia, CSR Kesehatan PTTEP, perhatian untuk csr paud